Installing SSL Certificate for GeoServer/Jetty

Monica Mohan
3 min readJun 17, 2021


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Here’s a short tutorial on installing SSL Certificate for Jetty Server that comes bundled with GeoServer.

Disclaimer: The following steps are performed and tested in Windows OS

Generate PFX Certificate

You can create self-signed certificate and export it as a pfx file in Powershell as administrator. For this, run the following command:

$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -certstorelocation cert:\localmachine\my -dnsname <domain name>

$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String ‘password’ -Force -AsPlainText

$path = ‘cert:\localMachine\my\’ + $cert.thumbprint

Export-PfxCertificate -cert $path -FilePath m:\certs\powershellcert.pfx -Password $pwd

Install the certificate by simply double-clicking the newly generated pfx file.

Generate KEYSTORE file

Keystore file is required by Jetty for SSL configuration. Hence, convert the PFX file to JKS Keystore and then install it on the Jetty Server that comes with GeoServer.

  • Go to ‘bin’ folder of JDK and run the following command in cmd:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore m:\certs\powershellcert.pfx -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore m:\certs\keystore -deststoretype JKS

Import keystore from PFX certificate file

**Tip: Use the same password that you used to generate the pfx file

  • Now, execute the following command to verify if the created keystore is a PrivateKeyEntry.

keytool -list -keystore m:\certs\keystore -storepass password

List Keystore
  • Copy the generated keystore to %GEOSERVER_HOME%\etc\keystore (make a backup of the existing keystore)

Configure Jetty Server

  • Open the start.ini in %GEOSERVER_HOME% and copy the following to after — module=http


— module=ssl







— module=https


  • Download the jetty-distribution file (it must be the same version as in the geoserver — geoserver 2.21 uses jetty 9.4.48) from maven eclipse site and extract the contents.

Central Repository: org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-distribution/9.4.48.v20220622 (

**Tip: You can cross check the jetty version in %GEOSERVER_HOME%/lib

(3 files are required — ssl.mod, jetty-ssl-context.xml and jetty-util-xx.jar)

  • Copy ssl.mod from /modules to %GEOSERVER_HOME%\modules
  • Copy jetty-ssl-context.xml from /etc to %GEOSERVER_HOME%\etc
  • Copy jetty-util-x.x.xx.jar to any path on the machine and navigate to this path in cmd

Run this command:

java -cp jetty-util-<JettyVersion>.jar password

and obtain the obfuscated password (OBF:….)

Generating obfuscated password
  • Copy the OBF password and replace the existing OBF password in jetty-ssl-context.xml

**Tip: If port needs to be changed, make changes in jetty-ssl.xml (secure.port) and in start.ini

  • Restart the GeoServer service in Services.msc or Restart using start.bat in %GEOSERVER_HOME%

Now, you will be able to access secure GeoServer using https://<domain>:<port>/geoserver/web




Monica Mohan

I'm a Geospatial Application Developer. ESRI Certified. I’m passionate about employing GIS and developing geospatial applications, esp in Earth Observation.